
Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Blog update #3

I’m getting a bit slack with new blog posts at the moment. The biggest problem I’m having is staying focussed enough to write a small spiel on a single topic. The 34th International Geological Congress in Brisbane last year resulted in a lot of new material relevant to the New England and Northern Rivers areas. So much so that I don’t know where to start!

Looking into the coming weeks (and months) I’d like to provide comments on research by Gideon Rosenbaum on Oroclines of the New England Orogen, Ben Cohen on Cenozoic intraplate volcanism and specifically information on the Main Range Volcanics and its implications south of the Queensland Border, David Branagan on Australias geologist history, plus others.

The above topics are additional to ones I really want to get to as soon as I can such as the Demon Fault, Quaternary sedimentation in the Richmond River Valley, the Tooloom gold fields as well as historical alluvial tin mining in the same area. I need to continue to discuss further aspects of the stratigraphy of the Clarence-Moreton Basin, I also really want to discuss the Mount Warning Central Complex. There just does not seem to be enough time in the day to write about all the geological things this region has to offer.

I'm also pleased that I've been able to be involved, albeit on a mainly strategic level with a local groundwater study, hopefully, in time I'll be able to write something on that... assuming we actually discover something of interest. 

As well as all of the above, the Bigscrub Landcare Group is also about to publish an article which I wrote on the volcanic geology of the region, nice to see how many different groups seem interested in what I'm keen on and are very complimentary about my writing. People are too kind!

Since starting this blog in 2011 I’ve had nearly 25 000 page views. I also vainly ‘google’ a few generic terms and find that the blog frequently comes up quite high in the search results. I’m sort of pleased with that. Of course please feel free to post a comment... especially if I'm wrong about something!

Well… I’ll get started on some more blog posts soon! In the mean time I just want to thank you for reading . I hope that people continue to find it interesting and useful. 


  1. Congratulations on your successes with the blog and with outside publication, Rod. You deserve it. I always read your posts with interest, and have tried to add a comment several times over the last year or so.
    Trouble is, I have to get past the checkpoint that ensures my comment isn't spam. Where I have to type in letters and or numerals to correspond with those put in the box, even though they are correctly entered, it never accepts them. So my comment never goes through. I have given up from frustration.
    I am writing this as a comment to go into your blog entry (Update #3) but it probably won't go through either. If not, I will send it to you as an email.

  2. Wow! This time it worked! :-)

  3. Rod I agree with wangiwriter that Google security check is a pain in the ass. I have had over 10,000 comments on CVT and only a few have been spam. Sometimes I also write a comment and just give up!
    Can't wait to read about all these new topics.

    1. I've taken your advice and disabled the security check. Hope this makes things easier.
