
Monday, 20 October 2014

Blog Update #6

Over 100 000 page views for this blog, 3 years and over 130 blog posts. I honestly did not think that there would be so much interest in the geology of the Northern Rivers. This milestone was topped off by heaps of interest during a short presentation on the weekend at the Big Scrub Rainforest Day.

I was a little worried about my presentation since it directly followed Robyn Williams from the ABC Science Show. His whole professional life revolves around talking to an audience. I on the other hand am not used to public speaking. I wish my talk was more structured and I did not try and condense so much into it. But I think it was received surprisingly well all the same! The questions were excellent and I wish I had more time to answer them. There were still a lot of hands up when I had to hand over to A/Prof Isaac Santos from SCU for his talk.

Following the talk the 100 information sheets disappeared and many people were asking if there was more. So thanks everyone for your interest and sorry that I didn’t have more copies. The information sheets are the short articles I have recently done for a couple of the Big Scrub Rainforest Newsletter. The specific articles can be downloaded from the links below. The full newsletters can be obtained by contacting the Big Scrub Rainforest Landcare Group.

January 2013 – Mt Warning and Reading the Rocks

September 2014 – The Importance of Basalt in the Big Scrub and One CSG Related Anomaly

Regular visitors to my blog may have noticed the slightly declining number of posts over the months. This is nothing to do with a lack of subject matter. I am finding the time a little hard to find at the moment. As such, I am happy to open up this blog to guest bloggers from time to time. If you have a story about Earth Science that has even the slightest New England/Northern Rivers/ North Coast bent, please feel free to contribute to this blog. I can be contacted on the email address listed on the page “about this blog”.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Rod. Great stats. Sounds like a great day at The Big Scrub. :-)
