
Monday, 18 April 2016

History Snippet: Drake

I noticed that the Northern Star Newspaper has an interesting snippet about historical copper mineral exploration near Drake. I thought It would be worth directing readers to the article.

I've been meaning to do a detailed post on the geology outlined by Grace Cumming who in 2011 did a very detailed survey of the region and put together an interesting model which illustrates that the mines and prospects just north of Drake are actually the remnant of a very large 400 square kilometre volcanic caldera. I will get to that soon! There is always a million interesting things in our region that I seem to never get the chance to cover them all. In the mean time I can only point you to one post I've done about the 'Drake mines'.

If you are interested in the current explorer and operator of the mines just to the north of Drake here is the link to White Rock Minerals Mt Carrington project overview.

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