Saturday 26 May 2018

Blog Update #12

Firstly, I need to apologize to all the commenters who have not had their comments published. The old regular visitor crowd will have noticed the blog has become fairly inactive over the last few months. Given the number of comments placed and the continuing interest (including an invitation to speak just this morning) I should really do a lot more... and I will.

I have recently had a few interesting journeys which included work near Nymboida on a new quarry and also visited an old quarry with some really interesting fossils. I've also noticed some interesting rock alteration in a road cutting on the way to Valla and I've been spending some time at a friends place near Glencoe at a place called Mount Mitchell. All of these are worth blog posts and I shall try and get to them at a rate of at least one a fortnight.

Thanks to everyone continuing to support this page. Please feel free to continue to comment but if you have something specific please feel free to email or phone me. My details are on this page: