Saturday, 27 September 2014

Big Scrub Day - October 2014

Every year the Big Scrub Landcare group and many other supporters put together a very interesting day. There are many exhibitors for those interested in natural resource management and restoration, tours of various kinds and workshops. This year is a particularly big year with the Big Scrub day occurring in conjunction with the Rous Water open day. There will be many formal presentations starting off with a key note address by Robyn Williams from ABC's science show. There will also be a lot of emphasis on what is below the ground this year with a presentations including:

  • 'geology of the big scrub';
  • 'the big scrub - a ground water dependent ecosystem'; 
  • 'future water strategy' (which involves groundwater as a key component); and
  • 'ground water and CSG'

I think this year will be very interesting so if you are in the area on Sunday the 12th of October come out to Rocky Creek Dam and have a look around. Maybe I'll see you there (I am actually presenting a short lecture). The schedule for the day is provided above.

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