Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Filling a gap with weathering textures

I've been a bit slack lately in posting. I usually have a post ready to go on the first day of every month with a few more over the month. But not so this time. It seems that life just hasn't given me the time to write over the last few weeks. So instead no post at all, here are a few pretty pictures of weathering patterns from the area.

Phyllite of the Neranleigh-Fernvale beds. In this case the darker part of the rock has been preferentially eroded by wind and wave action creating the early stages of a tessellated pavement. The quartz veins that are present stand proud from the surface. Technically this is not actually weathering per se... but oh well it looks pretty.
Weathering of the cross-bedding in this sample of Kangaroo Creek Sandstone develops a very pretty pattern.
Differential weathering in phyllite of the Neranleigh-Fernvale beds. The fabric of the rocks leads to some minerals being more susceptible to weathering by reactive sea water.

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